Please notefile
Please notefile

  1. Please notefile install#
  2. Please notefile mac#

I go back to my notes an average of one or two times maximum. Once they’re there I may use them for reference once or twice or edit them a bit to refine them. They’re just a way for me to get my ideas out of my head and onto paper. I think that a lot of the appeal of Notefile for me is based on the fact that I’m not all that attached to my notes. That’s not really all that important to me though as I’m loving Notefile as is. I would love it if there was an advanced option that toggled these features on and off, then I could keep my simple, quick, note taking experience and someone who wanted to dink around with options more would be happy as well. If you’re an advanced user of note apps and you want options like fonts, sorting options, prioritization or searching of notes, then you’re not going to be all that happy with Notefile. Nothing is perfect and Notefile is no exception. All of the other elements note delimiters, dates and icons, have a faded ‘hotstamp’ look which oozes quality but doesn’t scream for your attention until you need them. The pages are pleasantly textured and the text takes front and center. The design of the app emulates a traditional notebook like a Muji or Moleskine right off the bat with the icon, a small booklet with an elastic clasp. On the iPad it uses the standard splitview, which allows you to see a list of the notes you’ve stored as well as the current note. The app is also universal, so there is a crisp version of it for iPad as well. The syncing does you one better than any physical notebook though as the dashboard widget in iOS contains all of the notes that you pack into Notefile for easy copying or reference. It’s the perfect setup for a quick note app on the iPhone, where you just want to pull it out, jot something down then come back to it later.

Please notefile mac#

In addition to simple note taking, Notefile gives you syncing to a Mac dashboard widget and other copies of Notefile, TextExpander support and undo support in the Dashboard widget. This emulates the feel of a small notebook that you whip out of your pocket to scribble something on and then shove away again for later reference. There are no fancy formatting options and little in the way of setup beyond an initial login to the Junecloud syncing service.

please notefile

Notefile offers you the ability to start a new note within split seconds of launching the app and begin typing immediately.

please notefile

Previously my go-to app has been Wunderlist, which is not ideal as it’s a list app, but offers quick syncing to my Mac. Whether they be story ideas, quotes or random musings, I’m constantly whipping out my iPhone to fire off a couple of lines of text to myself. Its clean lines, uncomplicated setup and super fast use case has made it my number one note taking app for iPhone.

Please notefile install#

Notefile is a superminimal note taking app for iOS that syncs with a clean Widget that you can install in OS X dashboard.

Please notefile